About this site

This website was created by the Canadian Geoscience Education Network (CGEN) to educate, excite, and encourage youth to consider a career in the Earth Sciences. It also aims to serve as an educational tool to parents, guardians and guidance counselors to help students find their path after high school.


This website was initially developed by CGEN for the International Year of Planet Earth initiative (IYPE 2007-2009), to engage with junior high school level youth. The aim was to provide information about the overall concept of Earth Science, places across Canada where students could study after high school, possible career paths and job options, comparative wages and benefits of the work, as well as interviews with practicing Earth Scientists. The first version of the site was favorably reviewed by high school students from across Canada before launch and has received very positive feedback from students and teachers ever since. 

Reduced functionality of the original software and changes in technology by which information is accessed prompted CGEN to initiate a new version of the site, with updated content, improved functionality, and easy access on all viewing platforms. The 2.0 version launched in 2024. 


We gratefully acknowledge the work of the web developers John Lieva and Courtney Atkins and their team at Fleiva Inc, content creator Jenn Sabean (Terra Factum Consulting), editorial advisors from CGEN, Lesley Hymers and Beth McLarty Halfkenny and the many individuals who provided information and images representing the work they do as Earth Scientists. Thanks to all for their commitment and enthusiasm for this important project.

Support & Sponsors

A grant from the Natural Resources Canada (NRCAN) Earth Sciences Sector was awarded to CGEN in 2007 to develop the first version of the site. The Canadian Geological Foundation (CGF), the Canadian Federation of Earth Sciences (CFES), and the Mineral Resources Education Program of British Columbia (MREPBC) provided additional funding, along with two corporate sponsors, Talisman Energy Inc. and Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. (CNRL).

The new Earth Sciences Canada Careers website was made possible by continued support from the CFES and a new grant from CGF, along with a generous donation from the Engineers and Geoscientists in the Resources Sector (EGIRS), a division of the Professional Association of Engineers and Geoscientists of BC (EGBC). 

We welcome inquiries from anyone seeking to donate funds to support the new Earth Sciences Canada Careers website and its ongoing review and maintenance. Please contact us.

Key sponsors of the new Earth Sciences Canada Careers website to date include:

  • Canadian Federation of Earth Sciences (CFES), Member Organizations:

Atlantic Geoscience Society AGS

Canadian Association of Geographers CAG

Canadian Quaternary Association CANQUA

Council of Chairs of Canadian Earth Sciences Departments CCCESD

Canadian Geotechnical Society CGS

Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum CIM

Canadian Permafrost Association

Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists CSEG

Committee of Provincial and Territorial Geologists CPTG

Geological Association of Canada GAC

Canadian National Chapter of International Association of Hydrogeologists CNC-IAH

Mineralogical Association of Canada MAC

Prospectors and Developers of Canada PDAC

  • Canadian Geological Foundation (CGF)
  • Engineers and Geoscientists in the Resources Sector (EGIRS) a Division of the Professional Association of Engineers and Geoscientists of BC (EGBC)
ESC Careers