Michael Parkhill, P.Geo., FGC

What is your current job title, and what do you do? Where do you spend most of your workday?
Professional Geoscientist, New Brunswick Geological Survey. Drift prospecting till geochemistry, Quaternary mapping, promoting New Brunswick mineral exploration opportunities. Mix of field and office work.
What education, training and past work experience do you have?
B.Sc. in Geology, P.Geo. with 37 years’ experience. Worked all over New Brunswick. Some management experience. Volunteered on boards of Geoscientist Canada (Past President), Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of NB (APEGNB), Atlantic Geoscience Society, Canqua, and the Canadian Federation of Earth Sciences (CFES).
What’s great about being an Earth Scientist?
Being a part of a regulated profession that makes a positive difference in the future of our planet. The work is always interesting and challenging. I’ve really enjoyed the people and connections I have made. The opportunities to travel and see the geology across Canada and internationally is a bonus.
What interests and abilities lend themselves well to an Earth Science career?
Interest in all sciences.
Inquisitive nature.
Willing to do what it takes early on because it may help you later. (Example: Compiling company assessment data in Bathurst in the 1980s was not glamorous at the time, but learning the exploration history of northern New Brunswick at the same time is something I still use.)
The ability to write and communicate your research, projects etc. is very important.
A passion for the work. It is a great career choice.
What advice would you give someone interested in an Earth Science career?
If you want a career that is environmentally responsible and pays well, become part of the regulated profession of Geoscience and be a part of the solution in making our planet a better place. Green mining is needed for our new age economy and gets you in on the ground floor. As a Professional Geoscientist you are ethically bound to be responsible and protect the public, as are other professionals you will work with. There are a lot of opportunities for jobs right now in mining and geoscience. Ask questions and find out what it is all about.